Fishing tip of the week

Jigging spoon anyone?
by Mike Gerry

The heat of the summer can be your friend if you choose the correct presentation.

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Fishing tip of the week

Boat houses and summer
by Mike Gerry

As it is every year, summer is full of sunny days with lots of heat and the bass need a place to hide. One place the bass move to hide from the sun is under boat houses!

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Fishing tip of the week

Rod tip can be crucial
by Mike Gerry

There is probably no time of the year where the worm fishing is better than from June through mid-August.

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Fishing tip of the week

Summertime thoughts
by Mike Gerry

Drastic change is ahead and as we progress into the summertime patterns, bass fishing becomes more complex and, hence, there are many more decisions you need to make to have successful trips during the heat of the summer.

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Fishing tip of the week

Retrieve can make a difference.
by Mike Gerry

Doing the same retrieve, the same way, does not always get the same results. The problem is that it may, or may not, be good!

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