Love shouldn’t hurt – ever: – 07/22/20

How Your Childhood Affects Your Love Style
by Rebecca Hieronymi

We all have a choice in becoming the people we strive to be, however, our childhoods do shape us to a certain extent.

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Love shouldn’t hurt – ever: – 074/15/20

Choose You
by Teresia Smith

Life is really hard sometimes.

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Love shouldn’t hurt – ever: – 07/08/20

Importance of Advocacy
by Teresia Smith

Imagine that a victim of domestic violence, living in fear of a batterer, finally finds the courage to seek help.

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Love shouldn’t hurt – ever: – 07/01/20

Early signs of a toxic relationship
by Rebecca Hieronymi

Pop artist Andy Warhol said, “People should fall in love with their eyes closed.”

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Love shouldn’t hurt – ever: – 06/24/20

by Teresia Smith

If you have ever experienced sexual assault or domestic violence, you may live with a heightened sense of danger.

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