Summer Choices
by Teresia Smith
Many parents are struggling to find the right childcare situation as summer vacation from school is upon us.
When They Go Back
by Christina Hays
According to the national average for leaving a violent relationship for good is seven.
Finding Community
by Teresia Smith
Have you ever wondered what we mean when we talk about finding community and why it is important?
Cultivating Contentment
by Teresia Smith
When you stop and reflect on your life, you’re possibly thinking about how time has gone by so fast and you have no idea how you got to where you are at. You might begin to feel sad because you’ve drifted so far from the plans you had for your life. Everyday life is much more difficult than you expected it to be, so maybe you got tired and you just settled and decided to accept that this is just how life is. Sometimes if we experience trauma, it paralyzes us and we find ourselves giving up and deciding to just get by and not actually thrive. However, it doesn’t have to be this way. Feelings are fickle and you can never expect to be happy every minute of every day.
Keep the conversation going
by Teresia Smith
Every year as we close out Sexual Assault Awareness Month, I find myself wondering if we’ve succeeded in reaching more people and given them knowledge and information to make a difference. It is very important to know how to react when someone confides in you that they have been assaulted. And it is very important that you know your community resources so you can help them reach out. Beyond that, there is another thing that is very important — continue the conversation.