Love shouldn’t hurt -ever

Are You an Emotional Stuffer?
by Teresia Smith

Emotions are a part of being human, but learning how to effectively handle strong feelings is challenging. How many times have you received the following poor advice when you are hurting? “Don’t cry over it.” “Don’t let them get to you.” “Just get over it and move on.”

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Love shouldn’t hurt – ever

10 Red Flags of Abuse
by Rebecca Hieronymi

When people think of abuse they often associate it to physical violence. But that isn’t where abuse starts or ends. Abuse can be physical, mental, or emotional and everything in between. It is important to understand what constitutes as abuse and what you can do about it if you come to realize that you are being abused. What follows is a list of 10 Red Flags of an abusive relationship. This list does not cover every red flag or sign of abuse so if you feel you are being abused, please seek out help.

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Love shouldn’t hurt – ever

Forgive and Forget?
by Teresia Smith

Many times when we seek advice from someone about dealing with the wounds in our life, we are given well-meaning but often misdirected advice: forgive and forget.

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Love shouldn’t hurt – ever

When Domestic Violence Becomes Deadly
by Christina Hays

Working with domestic violence victims/survivors shows a distinct pattern in most violent relationships.

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Love shouldn’t hurt – ever

Romanticizing abuse
by Teresia Smith

A little girl comes home complaining about a boy in her class who keeps pulling her hair and being mean to her.

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