Love shouldn’t hurt – ever

How to Provide Support
by Teresia Smith

Have you ever felt that it’s hard to really know what to say or do whenever someone you care about is hurting?

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Love shouldn’t hurt – ever

Break Down the Walls
by Teresia Smith

If you are a victim of trauma, chances are you have a hard time accepting help and support from others. The reluctance to receive support from others is actually a trauma response.

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Love shouldn’t hurt – ever

I Am Not What Happened to Me
by Teresia Smith

Often, when someone experiences abuse or trauma, the advice they get from well-meaning friends is to just forget it and move on with life.

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Love shouldn’t hurt – ever

Seven Signs of Unhealed Relationship Trauma
by Rebecca Hieronymi

Throughout our lives we all experience a loss of a relationship, whether it be a job, romantic partnership, or friendship. Sometimes the ending can feel like a blessing because that relationship wasn’t right for us. But what if you find that you can’t move on or get over it?

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Love shouldn’t hurt – ever

Starting Over
by Teresia Smith

Have you ever heard the saying “starting over is not an option”.

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