Love shouldn’t hurt – ever

Today or Tomorrow?
by Teresia Smith

Do you ever feel as though life is passing you by? Like you are always putting things off until tomorrow? We hear so much nowadays about self-care, especially if you have experienced trauma, but chances are that many of us live our life just waiting for a tomorrow.

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Love shouldn’t hurt – ever

Have You Lost Your Joy?
by Teresia Smith

I think we have all found ourselves feeling lost at times. We could be at the end of something – end of a relationship, the end of a job, or the end of a lifestyle. We could also be at the beginning of something new, whether a relationship, a job, or maybe even a new home in a new town. At the end of something, we can find ourselves searching for who we are apart from what we lost or what we’ve always known. At the beginning of something, we can find ourselves trying to find our place, figure out where we fit in, and how to move forward. Anytime we experience change, we have to find our bearings and a starting point.

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Love shouldn’t hurt – ever

It’s the Most Stressful Time of the Year
by Teresia Smith

This time of year, you can feel the excitement building. Parties, special services, concerts, dinners, decorating, cooking ….spending time with those dear to us. However, especially if you are a survivor of a traumatic event, sometimes the holiday season often brings a couple of unwelcome guests — stress and depression.

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Love shouldn’t hurt – ever

Holiday Tips from a Survivor
by Teresia Smith

Several years ago, I shared this story. Many will be celebrating various holidays soon so I felt this was a good time to share again. The holidays can be a particularly stressful time for adult domestic violence or sexual assault survivors, especially those who now have children. Everything’s supposed to be happy and rosy, with plenty of family and togetherness — but what if your family has caused you pain? Read on as one survivor shares a portion of his story and his tips from for getting through the season.

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Love shouldn’t hurt – ever

10 Warning Signs of Gaslighting
by Rebecca Hieronymi

Gaslighting is when a person uses various actions and behaviors to manipulate the victim into questioning everything they feel, believe, and think. Essentially eroding their sanity until they’re at the gas lighters mercy. The goal of the abuser: control. Here are 10 signs it’s not you, it might be gaslighting.

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