Conflict Resolution
It is a given in any relationship that there will be conflict. No relationship can be argument-free forever.
Sometimes, in an unhealthy relationship, you feel you must prove to yourself that you are right to feel hurt and mistreated.
Creative Expression is Important
Everyone feels stress. As a culture, we hear about the need to handle our stress every day.
Finding Joy Again
For people that have suffered trauma, the brain sometimes goes into a type of survival mode, to protect oneself, to feel safe. Sure, there are moments where contentment and happiness are felt. But many are plagued with persistent negative emotions — just plain stuck and feeling unhappy.
Signs You Are Dealing with Narcissistic Abuse
You may have heard the word “narcissist” tossed around and used as a catch-all term to describe anyone who may have wronged us, however, a person with narcissistic personality disorder is quite different.