Steps to Recovering from Toxic Relationships
Ending an abusive and toxic relationship takes a toll on a person emotionally, mentally and physically. Picking up the pieces of their life and trying to move forward can be a slow and painful process. Support from their family, friends and community makes it a lot easier.
Life After Domestic Violence
Life after domestic violence can feel overwhelming, and figuring how to move forward and rebuild your life can be very challenging. Although there are certainly hurdles ahead, it is important to remember that you did the hardest part and have removed yourself from an unhealthy relationship and you should be proud of yourself for being strong enough to leave.
My Response is My Power
“I cannot control everything that happens; I can only control the way I respond to what happens.
Understanding stalking
Each year an estimated 7.5 million women and men are affected by stalking.
Body Safety
by Teresia Smith
We all look forward to summer break. Long play-filled days, kids sleeping in, and not feeling so rushed. Even though school is out, most parents are still at their job and babysitters are watching the kids.