Love shouldn’t hurt – ever

Secondary victims
by Teresia Smith

At Crisis Services of North Alabama, we talk a lot about people who have experienced traumatic events such as sexual assault and domestic violence, as we should, because they need our attention. Today, I want to ask, what about the secondary victims — the friends, family, and loved ones — of the survivor? What can we do to help them as they cope with the difficulties of trying to help their loved one cope with a painful event?

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Love shouldn’t hurt – ever

Can you ever be happy again after traumatic life events?
Is it possible to be happy again after experiencing trauma? How do you heal from traumatic life events? You start to wonder if it’s even possible or where to start. You wonder if you’ll ever be happy again. Most people are not strangers to trauma.

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Love shouldn’t hurt – ever

Do I have to forgive?
After someone has been hurt, at some point they come across the F-word. Forgiveness. After experiencing a trauma, it is very difficult to think of forgiving the person who harmed you – Especially if they never acknowledged what they did or if they never suffered consequences for their actions.

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Love shouldn’t hurt – ever

Body Safety
We all look forward to summer break. Long play-filled days, kids sleeping in, and not feeling so rushed. Even though school is out, most parents are still at their job and babysitters are watching the kids. We all try to make sure we hire a responsible sitter, one who is not zoned out into a smartphone and who is actually caring for our children.

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Love shouldn’t hurt – ever

It’s the little things
If you pay attention to the news at all, I am sure you have heard about all the advances being made in Artificial Intelligence (AI). If not, you may ask what is AI? Artificial intelligence uses computers and machines to simulate the problem-solving and decision-making capabilities of the human mind. These machines can be trained to solve specific problems or perform tasks that normally would use a human.

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